Get On Board Georgia

Our Vision For A More Connected Georgia




Rail Vision

Get On Board Georgia is proud to present a holistic vision for passenger rail service within Metro Atlanta, and the State of Georgia as a whole. This vision combines many ongoing, officially proposed, and brand-new potential projects to provide high-quality, wide-reaching service. It is designed to connect communities with reliable, useful transit, not just for current Georgians, but all of our future neighbors as well!

High-speed, intercity, commuter, regional, heavy, light, and even streetcars. Every form of rail has been assembled, and integrated into a single, state-spanning system, with an eye on seamless service and meeting the needs of the entirety of the great state of Georgia.

We also fully support projects across the entire spectrum of potential transit modes, including all bus service types, micro-mobility / bike infrastructure projects, and pedestrian infrastructure projects for their invaluable contributions to the wider transportation network.

 Metro Atlanta Rail Vision

State Rail Vision


Different Types of Rail

The Get On Board Georgia rail vision goes to great lengths to propose a network of layered service types. Different modes of rail transit all interconnect, overlap, and generally build off of one another to create an complete system intended to meet a wide variety of travel needs. Here are the seven rail service types that Get On Board Georgia proposes work together to best serve our beautiful state:


  • 5 - 15 minute peak frequency

  • Low Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • Lower Capacity

  • In-Street operations mixed with other traffic

  • Targeted to operate within the central city & urban core

Light Rail

Light Rail.jpeg
  • 10 - 15 minute peak frequency

  • Medium Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • Medium Capacity

  • Dedicated Right of Way not mixed with other traffic

  • Targeted to operate within the urban core & extended routes

Heavy Rail

Heavy Rail.jpeg
  • 10 - 20 minute peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • High Capacity

  • Dedicated Right of Way not mixed with other traffic

  • Targeted to operate within urban core & core metro area

Regional Rail

Regional Rail.jpeg
  • 10 - 30 minute peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • Medium Capacity

  • Dedicated Right of Way sometimes mixed with freight trains

  • Targeted to operate within core metro area

Commuter Rail

Commuter Rail.jpg
  • 30 - 60 minute peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • Peak-Hour Service

  • High Capacity

  • Shared Right of Way mixed with freight trains

  • Targeted to operate throughout metro area & adjacent metros

Intercity Rail

Intercity Rail 2.jpg
  • 4 - 6 hour peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • Daily Service

  • High Capacity

  • Shared Right of Way mixed with freight trains

  • Targeted to operate across metros & states

High-Speed Rail

High-Speed Rail.jpg
  • 1 - 4 hour peak frequency

  • Very High Speeds

  • Daily Service

  • High Capacity

  • Mostly dedicated Right of Way sometimes mixed with passenger trains

  • Targeted to operate across states


 Interactive Map of Get On Board Georgia Vision

Click on the map to navigate, and learn more about our proposed routes. Some routes are only visible at specific levels of zoom.