Different Types of Rail

The Get On Board Georgia rail vision goes to great lengths to propose a network of layered service types. Different modes of rail transit all interconnect, overlap, and generally build off of one another to create an complete system intended to meet a wide variety of travel needs. Here are the seven rail service types that Get On Board Georgia proposes work together to best serve our beautiful state:


  • 5 - 15 minute peak frequency

  • Low Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • Lower Capacity

  • In-Street operations mixed with other traffic

  • Targeted to operate within the central city & urban core

Light Rail

Light Rail.jpeg
  • 10 - 15 minute peak frequency

  • Medium Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • Medium Capacity

  • Dedicated Right of Way not mixed with other traffic

  • Targeted to operate within the urban core & extended routes

Heavy Rail

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  • 10 - 20 minute peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • High Capacity

  • Dedicated Right of Way not mixed with other traffic

  • Targeted to operate within urban core & core metro area

Regional Rail

Regional Rail.jpeg
  • 10 - 30 minute peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • All-Day Service

  • Medium Capacity

  • Dedicated Right of Way sometimes mixed with freight trains

  • Targeted to operate within core metro area

Commuter Rail

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  • 30 - 60 minute peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • Peak-Hour Service

  • High Capacity

  • Shared Right of Way mixed with freight trains

  • Targeted to operate throughout metro area & adjacent metros

Intercity Rail

Intercity Rail 2.jpg
  • 4 - 6 hour peak frequency

  • High Speeds

  • Daily Service

  • High Capacity

  • Shared Right of Way mixed with freight trains

  • Targeted to operate across metros & states

High-Speed Rail

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  • 1 - 4 hour peak frequency

  • Very High Speeds

  • Daily Service

  • High Capacity

  • Mostly dedicated Right of Way sometimes mixed with passenger trains

  • Targeted to operate across states